Gift Request Guide
Gift Request Guide
This page is a work in progress. Test:[1]
Gift requests are a new feature in Project Diva X. After successfully completing 5 Requests in a row (Cloud or Event or a combination of both, doesn't matter), the Vocaloid currently selected will ask the player for a specific type of gift. If the player gives them a gift appropriate to their request, then their friendship level will rise according to how well it fits what they wanted. "Good" gift choices will raise friendship a moderate amount, and "Best" gift choices will raise friendship a large amount. However, if the gift given is not suitable to their request, their friendship level will fall a small amount.
General info and hints:
- The Vocaloids sometimes make comments about wanting food or being tired. Unless you are automatically taken to the gift menu once they stop talking, then you are not in gift request mode, and any gifts you give them from the normal gift menu will follow the rules detailed here.
- Giving a gift during a gift request will not unlock the event/cutscene related to the item, if there if one (e.g. Sketchbook, Dartboard, most food items, etc.). As such, try to avoid giving a gift you only have 1 of if you have not unlocked the event for that gift yet.
- You can skip a gift request by pressing the "Options" button on your controller / "Start" button on your handheld console before the gift menu appears. This is not recommended, however, as gift requests are by far the best way to raise friendship levels. Even giving a "Good" gift in a request will raise friendship more than just giving a gift a character LOVES through the normal gift menu.
- The characters usual likes and dislikes do not matter in gift request mode.
- The type of request you'll get is determined by the current Vocaloid module's aura.
- Since gift requests happen every 5 Requests, you can manipulate which type of gift request you will receive. First, successfully complete 4 Cloud or Event Requests in a row. Then, pick a module with an aura that matches the type of request you want. Finally, successfully play your 5th Cloud or Event Request, but don't transform (i.e. fail Chance Time). A good sign that you succeeded is if the Retry button is grayed out on the results screen, which means that you have some sort of cutscene waiting for you in the room.
Note: The following lists have been complied from many different sources and are currently being tested. Please delete anything you know for sure is incorrect. Thanks!
Classic Gift Requests 
Request #1: Want to sing better
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Microphone |
Black Hand Mic |
Silver Hand Mic |
Song Book |
Voice Training Book |
Karaoke Set |
*any color* Glow Stick |
Request #2: Express emotion through song / be inspired
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Sketchbook |
Art Gallery Book |
Calligraphy Paper |
Compass |
Telescope |
Fishbowl (*any color* Fish) |
Cookware |
Hot Plate |
Cooking Pans |
Ice Cream Machine |
SLR Camera |
Cute Gift Requests 
Request #1: Tired and want to relax
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
*any character* Figurine |
Moving Hachune Miku |
Mikudayo Figurine |
Stuffed Bear |
Stuffed Rabbit |
Stuffed Cat |
Hachune Miku Felt Doll |
Tako Luka Felt Doll |
Shiteyan'yo Felt Doll |
Larval Rin Felt Doll |
Pylori Miku Felt Doll |
PyloRin Felt Doll |
Tuna Body Pillow |
Surprise Alarm-dayo |
Request #2: Want to decorate with something cute
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
*any character* Decal |
*any character* Poster |
Premium *any character* Poster |
*any character* Banner |
Miku T-shirt |
Rin T-shirt |
Len Fan |
Luka T-shirt |
MEIKO Fan Happi |
*Note: The Vocaloid requesting the gift and the Vocaloid featured on the gift do not need to match in order for the gift to be acceptable (e.g. If Cute module Rin wants to decorate with something cute, giving her a Miku Decal will be just as effective as giving her a Rin Decal).
Cool Gift Requests 
Request #1: Want inspiring decor
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Rin & Len Hina Dolls |
Miku Weather Doll |
Flipped Weather Doll |
Tanabata Ornament |
Tsukimi Dumplings |
Beach Ball |
Jack-o-Lantern |
Christmas Stocking |
KAITO Snowman |
Request #2: Play an instrument
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
White Guitar |
Black Guitar |
Bass Guitar |
Keyboard |
Snare Drums |
Violin |
Contrabass |
Bass Drum |
Conga Drums |
Pianica |
Xylophone |
Maracas |
Tamourine |
Trumpet |
Beauty/Elegant Gift Requests 
Request #1: Act/sing more beautifully
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Sunflowers |
SLR Camera |
Tulips |
Daisies |
'Cosmic Diva' |
'99 Percent Rin' |
'Len-timental Feelings' |
'Language Learning Lady' |
'Ever So Tipsy' |
'Ice Cream V3' |
'Crazy Creator' |
'A Real Angel-dayo' |
'Rule 1: Be Cute or Get Out' |
'Our 39 Annual Meeting' |
Neutral/Classic Cloud Ornament |
Cute Cloud Ornament |
Cool Cloud Ornament |
Beauty/Elegant Cloud Ornament |
Chaos/Quirky Cloud Ornament |
Request #2: Eat something sweet
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Macarons |
Vegetable Juice |
Cookies |
Milk |
Donuts |
Cream Soda |
Taiyaki |
Orange Juice |
Strawberry Shaved Ice |
Iced Coffee |
Gingerbread House |
Melon Soda |
Cream Puff Tower |
Orange Jelly |
Banana Muffin |
Ice Cream Cup |
10-Scoop Ice Cream Cone |
Chocolate Cordials |
Candy Can |
Cake Assortment |
Birthday Cake (*any character*) |
Chaos/Quirky Gift Requests 
Request #1: Starving
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Takoyaki |
Banana Muffin |
Pork Buns |
Hamburger |
Pizza |
Spaghetti |
Rice Omelet |
Yakitori w/ Negi |
Tuna Sushi |
Tuna Carpaccio |
Seafood Stew |
Endless Soba Set |
Charcoal Grill |
Request #2: Want to play
"Best" options |
"Good" options |
Juggling Beanbags |
Bicycle |
Building Blocks |
*any character* Stacking Blocks |
Cat Toy |
Russian Nesting Dolls |
Eek, a Leek! |
Toy Hammer |
Paper Fan |
Leeksaber |
Jack-in-the-Box |
Magical Silk Hat |
Toy Fishing Rod |
Handheld Game Console |
Next-Gen Gaming Console |
Red Mini Itasha |
Purple Mini Itasha |
Mini Roadroller |
Project DIVA Arcade Machine |