List of Titles (Extend)
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No |
Title |
Translation |
Conditions |
1 |
駆け出しプレイヤー |
Novice Player |
Title given to players just starting the game. |
2 |
見習いプレイヤー |
Apprentice Player |
Title given to players who have cleared all songs on EASY. |
3 |
一人前プレイヤー |
Full-Fledged Player |
Title given to players who have cleared all songs on NORMAL. |
4 |
カリスマプレイヤー |
Charismatic Player |
Title given to players who have cleared all songs on HARD. |
5 |
神業プレイヤー |
Superhuman Player |
Title given to players who have cleared all songs on EXTREME. |
6 |
歌手 |
Singer |
Perfect all songs on Easy |
7 |
歌姫 |
Diva |
Perfect all songs on Normal |
8 |
スター |
Star |
Perfect all songs on Hard |
9 |
はじめてのぱーふぇくと |
First Perfect |
Title given when you clear your first song with a PERFECT. |
10 |
パーフェクトゲッター |
Perfect Getter |
Title given when you clear your first EASY song with a PERFECT. |
11 |
パーフェクトコントローラ |
Perfect Controller |
Title given when you clear your first NORMAL song with a PERFECT. |
12 |
パーフェクトマジシャン |
Perfect Magician |
Title given when you clear your first HARD song with a PERFECT. |
13 |
パーフェクトマエストロ |
Perfect Maestro |
Title given when you clear your first EXTREME song with a PERFECT. |
14 |
難関突破 |
Surpassed Challenge |
Perfect three different songs on Extreme |
15 |
気分上々 |
On the Mood |
Perfect five different songs on Extreme |
16 |
順風満帆 |
Smooth Sailing |
Perfect ten different songs on Extreme |
17 |
天使の歌声 |
Voice of an Angel |
Perfect twenty different songs on Extreme |
18 |
ディーヴァ |
Diva |
Perfect all songs on Extreme |
19 |
はじめてのみすていく |
First Miss x Take |
Obtain a MISSxTAKE ranking for the first time. |
20 |
頑張り屋さん |
Overachiever |
Obtain a MISSxTAKE ranking fifty times. |
21 |
フィニッシュランナー |
Finish Runner |
Obtain a CHEAP ranking for the first time. |
22 |
完走御礼 |
Thanks Finish |
Obtain a CHEAP ranking fifty times. |
23 |
ポップでキュート |
Pop and Cute |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Miku. |
24 |
ミク大好き! |
I Love Miku! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Miku. |
25 |
チャーミング |
Charming |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Rin. |
26 |
リン大好き! |
I Love Rin! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Rin. |
27 |
パワフル |
Powerful |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Len. |
28 |
レン大好き! |
I Love Len! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Len. |
29 |
クール&ハスキー |
Cool & Husky |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Luka. |
30 |
ルカ大好き! |
I Love Luka! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Luka. |
31 |
アイスべきマフラー |
Nice Scarf |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Kaito. |
32 |
KAITO大好き! |
I Love Kaito! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Kaito. |
33 |
MEIKO親衛隊 |
Guard of Meiko |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Meiko. |
34 |
MEIKO大好き! |
I Love Meiko! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Meiko. |
35 |
防火ロイド |
Boukaloid |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Neru. |
36 |
ネル大好き! |
I Love Neru! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Neru. |
37 |
ボヤキロイド |
Boyakiloid |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Haku. |
38 |
ハク大好き! |
I Love Haku! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Haku. |
39 |
伝説のアイドル |
Legendary Idol |
Title given to the players who have cleared 50 songs using Meiko Sakine. |
40 |
咲音メイコ大好き! |
I Love Meiko Sakine! |
Title given to the players who have cleared 100 songs using Meiko Sakine. |
41 |
I am DIVA |
I am DIVA |
Use each character one time |
42 |
we are DIVA |
we are DIVA |
Use each character ten times |
43 |
ヘビーローテーション |
Heavy Rotation |
Play one song one hundred times |
44 |
リズムゲーマー |
Rhythm Gamer |
Play a total of one thousand songs |
45 |
安全第一 |
Safety First |
Use help items fifty times |
46 |
アイテムマスター |
Item Master |
Use help items one hundred times |
47 |
ホームシアター |
Home Theater |
Watch a total of fifty PVs |
48 |
プロデューサー |
Producer |
Watch every PV once |
49 |
1%の恐怖 |
Dreaded 1% |
Title given when get a CLEAR RATING of 99% in a rhythm game. |
50 |
残念ながらSAFEでした |
Unfortunate SAFE |
Title given when clearing a game with only "1" SAFE away from a PERFECT. |
51 |
サラウンド |
Surround |
Title given to the player who unlocks the 50% of the songs. |
52 |
リズムウェーブ |
Rhythm Wave |
Title given to the player who unlocks the 100% of the songs. |
53 |
着せ替え好き |
Like To Dress-Up |
Title given to the players who collects more than 20% of the modules. |
54 |
着せ替え大好き! |
Love To Dress-Up! |
Title given to the players who collects more than 50% of the modules. |
55 |
うちの子が一番 |
Top Inner Child |
Title given to the players who collects more than 80% of the modules. |
56 |
モジュールマスター |
Module Master |
Title given to the players who collects all the modules. |
57 |
ミクのスタイリスト |
Miku's Stylist |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Hatsune Miku. |
58 |
リンのコーディネイター |
Rin's Coordinator |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Kagamine Rin. |
59 |
レンのデザイナー |
Len's Designer |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Kagamine Len. |
60 |
ルカのおしゃれ仲間 |
Luka's Fashionable Friend |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Megurine Luka. |
61 |
KAITOのマフラー師 |
Kaito's Scarf |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Kaito. |
62 |
MEIKOのドレッサー |
Meiko's Dresser |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Meiko. |
63 |
ネルのクローゼット |
Neru's Closet |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Akita Neru. |
64 |
ハクの仕立て屋 |
Haku's Foil |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Yowane Haku. |
65 |
咲音メイコのお付き |
Sakine Meiko's Assistant |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the modules of Sakine Meiko. |
66 |
セーガー♪ |
Seegaa♪ |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the Sega collaboration modules. |
67 |
スイムウェア愛好家 |
Swimwear Lover |
Title awarded to the player who collected all the swimwear modules. |
68 |
ライフスタイリスト |
Life Stylist |
Title given to the players who collects more than 50% of the room themes. |
69 |
フリースクール |
Free Style |
Title given to the players who collects all the room themes. |
70 |
ルームコンダクター |
Room Conductor |
Title given to the players who collects more than 20% of the room items. |
71 |
ルームスタイリスト |
Room Stylist |
Title given to the players who collects more than 50% of the room items. |
72 |
デザイナーズルーム |
Room Designer |
Title given to the players who collects more than 80% of the room items. |
73 |
ルームコーディネイター |
Room Coordinator |
Title given to the players who collects all the room items. |
74 |
模様替え好き |
Remodeling Lover |
Title given to a player who changes room themes 10 times. |
75 |
気分屋さん |
Moody's |
Title given to a player who changes room themes 50 times. |
76 |
こだわりのお部屋 |
Room Fixation |
Title given to a player who changes room themes 100 times. |
77 |
愛しのお部屋 |
Beloved Room |
Title given to a player who visits the DIVA room 100 times. |
78 |
ストーリーテラー |
Storyteller |
Title given to a player who completes all the DIVA room events. |
79 |
DIVA好き |
DIVA Lover |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 100,000 DIVA points. |
80 |
DIVA大好き! |
I Love DIVA! |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 500,000 DIVA points. |
81 |
DIVAの夢中 |
DIVA Crazy |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 1,000,000 DIVA points. |
82 |
Now Playing・・・・・・ |
Now Playing...... |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 5,000,000 DIVA points. |
83 |
DIVAシンドローム |
DIVA Syndrome |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 10,000,000 DIVA points. |
84 |
DIVAフリーク |
DIVA Freak |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 50,000,000 DIVA points. |
85 |
神の絶対領域 |
God's Zettai Ryouiki |
Title given to the players who have surpassed the total of 99,999,999 DIVA points. |
86 |
ごきげんミクさん |
Pleasant Miku |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Hatsune Miku to become HAPPY. |
87 |
るんるんリンちゃん |
Euphoric Rin |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Kagamine Rin to become HAPPY. |
88 |
うきうきレンくん |
Cheerful Len |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Kagamine Len to become HAPPY. |
89 |
ランランルカさん |
Lan-Lan Luka |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Megurine Luka to become HAPPY. |
90 |
にこにこKAITOさん |
Smiling Kaito |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Kaito to become HAPPY. |
91 |
わくわくMEIKOさん |
Exciting Meiko |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Meiko to become HAPPY. |
92 |
ノリノリネルさん |
Elated Neru |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Akita Neru to become HAPPY. |
93 |
ツマンネハクさん |
Bored Haku |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Yowane Haku to become HAPPY. |
94 |
きゃっぴきゃっぴ咲音さん |
Youthful Sakine |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of Sakine Meiko to become HAPPY. |
95 |
ハッピーの魔法 |
Magic Happiness |
Title given to the player that changes the mood of all the characters to become HAPPY. |
96 |
ドリーマー |
Dreamer |
Title given to a player who gives at least 50 presents to a character. |
97 |
ロマンチック |
Romantic |
Title given to a player who gives at least 100 presents to a character. |
98 |
ハンドメイド |
Handmade |
Title given to a player who plays an Edit game 10 times. |
99 |
オリジナリティ |
Originality |
Title given to a player who plays an Edit game 50 times. |
100 |
エディット魂 |
Edit Soul |
Title given to the player who spends 100 hours in Edit Mode. |
101 |
バリバリ |
Hard-worker |
Obtain more than 24 hours of Play Time. |
102 |
メロメロ |
Falling Down |
Obtain more than 50 hours of Play Time. |
103 |
デレデレ |
Love-struck |
Obtain more than 100 hours of Play Time. |
104 |
ミュージアム |
Museum |
Title given to the player who have collected more than 50% of the Loading Illustrations. |
105 |
ガレリア |
Galleria |
Title given to the player who have collected all of the Loading Illustrations. |
106 |
サンクチュアリ |
Sanctuary |
Title given to the player who have collected the 100% of the Visual Library. |
107 |
フレンドゲッター |
Friend Getter |
Title given to a player who registers 50 friends. |
108 |
みっくみくにされました |
I Made You do the Miku Miku |
Title given to the player who has imported his save data from "Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- 2nd". |
109 |
クリアおめでとう! |
Clear congrats! |
Title given to the players who watched the staff roll. |
110 |
称号マスター |
Title Master |
Title given to a player who gets all the previous titles. |